Online Payments
Ludus is a secure website that offers parents the option to make band payments (referred to as a "donation") with a credit card online (much like PayPal).
Understand that Ludus subtracts a small service fee for each transaction made. The fee is 3.5% + $0.50. This amount will automatically be deducted from original listed amount.
Also, your online payment can take up to two weeks before it will appear on your actual CHARMS statement. Plan ahead when using this service.
If you are still interested, follow the steps below:
1. Click on the Ludus logo.
2. Enter the amount you wish to pay (fee will automatically deduct)
3. Click "Proceed"
4. Fill out the required fields -
5. Click "Confirm and Donate"
6. You will receive an email receipt.
Online payments will be updated into each CHARMS Financial Statement weekly!