Northwest Florida Jazz Festival
2024 - 3rd Annual NWFL JazzFest
Friday April 26th, 2024 / Pace Assembly (Pace, FL)

Featuring Middle School, High School & Collegiate Ensembles
Jazz Ensembles and Combos of ANY size/level are invited to participate in our 3rd Annual event! We strive to provide a positive performance experience for your students at ALL ability levels!
Directors: You do NOT need to have a "FULL" Jazz Band to participate in our festival! Missing part of your rhythm section? No trumpets? Only two saxes? No Problem!
2023 Participating Ensembles & Combos
Booker T. Washington HS Jazz Ensemble - 10:20am
Pensacola HS Jazz Combo - 11:00am
Escambia HS Jazz Ensemble - 11:40am
Hobbs MS Jazz Ensemble - 12:20pm
Marianna HS Jazz Ensemble - 1:00pm
Pace HS Jazz Ensemble 2 - 1:40pm
University of West Florida Jazz Ensemble & Combo - 2:20pm
J.M. Tate Senior HS Jazz Ensemble - 3:20pm
Deane Bozeman School Jazz Ensemble - 4:00pm
Milton HS Jazz Combo - 4:40pm
Gulf Breeze HS Jazz Ensemble - 5:20pm
Pace HS Jazz Ensemble 1 - 6:00pm
Awards Ceremony - 6:30pm
All Jazz Ensembles and Combos will have 20 minutes to play any style and number of songs to best demonstrate the abilities of the ensemble. Groups will be given written and recorded feedback on their selections. After their performance, a 15-minute clinic will occur with the clinicians!
All combos/ensembles will be presented with an award for their participation in the Northwest Florida Jazz Festival. Additional awards will be presented for Outstanding Musicians, Soloists, Vocalists, Sections & Overall Performances for both Middle School & High School Combos & Jazz Ensembles.
Merchandise, College Booths, Music Vendors & Food Vendors will be available at the 2024 Northwest Florida Jazz Festival!
2023 Clinicians/Adjudicators
J.B. Scott - Jacksonville, FL
Clyde Connor - Gainesville, FL
Lisa Kelly - Jacksonville, FL
Clinicians Bios Here

Questions? Please email Phillip Michanowicz