"The Pride of the Red, White, & Blue"

With around 200 members, the marching band is the most active and visible part of the Pace High School band program. This includes all wind instruments*, percussion and color guard members. Within the Pace High Band Program, membership in the marching band is a required portion of our overall music curriculum. Students must also remain enrolled in a band, percussion, or color guard class during the entire school year to maintain their membership in this ensemble.
This ensemble is competitive on a local, state, and national level. In order to maintain this prestigious high standard, marching band members follow a strict rehearsal and performance schedule each summer and fall. Rehearsal dates are posted on CHARMS and can be found in the current Band Handbook. This ensemble performs at all home and
away football games, pep rallies, statewide/national competitions, and several local parades. Additional performances will be announced well in advance, and students will be expected to make all efforts to be in attendance.
*Due to the strict quality of sound that we strive to achieve each year, only the following wind instruments will be utilized on the marching band field: piccolo (selected through flute audition only), flute, clarinet, bass clarinet, alto sax, tenor sax, trumpet, mellophone, trombone, baritone, and sousaphone. Students who do not currently play one of those instruments have options to switch to a different instrument, perform with the front ensemble, or join the color guard.
ALL Marching Band rehearsals (including band camp), football games, and competition dates for the upcoming summer and fall season have been entered into our online band calendar. Click the "Resources" menu and drag down to "CHARMS/Band Calendar/Online Payments".
Please be aware that attendance at each rehearsal is what enables us to be successful, and that students should make arrangements to schedule additional commitments around our pre-set schedule whenever possible.
School Rehearsal Schedule -
Monday: 3:30-4:30pm
(alternate Brass & Woodwinds only)
Tuesday: 6:00-9:00pm Full Ensemble
Thursday: 5:00-9:00pm Full Ensemble
2023-2024 Leadership Team
Drum Major:
Emory Carrol
Band Captains:
Chisty Malaise
Elaina Rowell
Emory Carrol
High WW Lieutenant
Briana McGuire
Low WW Lieutenant
Morgan Seabrook
High Brass Lieutenant
Tristan Lopez
Low Brass Lieutenant
Fawaz Hamid
Percussion Lieutenant
Logan Russell
Winds Sergeant
Chance Szot
This performance ensemble provides a “society” and “family” to which all band students can belong. It is a place where they learn values and standards, where they can learn to depend on one another in their pursuit of excellence. They learn about responsibility, doing their fair share, and sticking to a common goal. They learn to value people, respect their peers and not make judgments on the superficial. They frequently acquire a stronger base for their adult life than any other avenue open to them.
In the Pace High Band program, each and every student is encouraged to strive to be their absolute best at each rehearsal and performance. Our students carry what they learn in marching band with them for the rest of their lives!
The 10+ Values Marching Band Students Learn & Why You Should Hire Them