Executive Board
Pace Band Boosters, Inc. 2024-2025
Standing Committees by Executive Board Member Responsibility

Stephanie Wells
- Publicity
- Volunteer Coordinator
- Pit Crew
- Vehicles

1st Vice President
Kyle Hill
- Fundraisers
- Sponsorships
- Grants

2nd Vice President
Brian Banter
- Concessions
- Grilling (West)
- Grilling (East)
- Vendors: Kona Ice, Buffalo Rock

Pam Magee
- Chair Constitution and By Laws
- Booster Membership and Shirts
- Meeting Minutes, Reports, & Records
- Volunteer Forms

Kristin Robinson
- Manages all funds
- Expenses
- Financial Reports

Members At

Shauna Reese
- Event Refreshments
- Meals for Summer Camp
- Annual Awards Ceremony

Watering / Medical Crew
Tara Joslyn
- Secures cups/bottled water
- Coolers/Water for Practice
- Water for games/competitions
- Basic First Aid

Chaperone / Volunteer Coordinator
Erika Cooper
- Schedules Chaperones
- Chaperone Training
- Volunteer Forms
- Student Bus Lists

Jessica Neely
- Band Historian
- Photographer
- Maintains all Social Media

Assistant Secretary
Amber Bloechle
- Freshman Parent Representative
- Assists / Shadows all board members.