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Documents & Forms

Required Documents & Forms -
Revised Annually

Click on the PDF icon      to download the document/form.

Band Handbook - 2023/2024

Everything you need to know about the Pace Band Program... and more.  Please review this entire document carefully, and keep it close at hand for the entire duration of the year.  Parents and students are encouraged to first consult the Band Handbook whenever a question or concern arises.  

2024/2025 Handbook Coming Soon

Band Handbook Contract

After reading the entire 2023-2024 Band Handbook, this form will need to be signed and submitted no later than August 1st, 2023.  Signing this contract states that you understand and agree to follow all policies listed in the Band Handbook and the Band Financial Spreadsheet.

2024/2025 Handbook Coming Soon

2024-2025 Band Commitment Form

Band Commitment Form and Important Dates for the upcoming year.

Band Health Form

Every band student is REQUIRED to have a completed and notarized Health Form on file.  This form must be completed, signed, notarized, and turned in before Tuesday, July 16th 2024.  Students will not be permitted to participate in any outdoor activity until this form has been received.

Over the Counter Medication Permission Form

If you wish to have any basic type of over the counter medication administered to your child at ANY point throughout the year, this form must be on file.  ALL parents are strongly encouraged to complete and submit this form on or before Tuesday, July 16th 2023.

Dispersion of Medication Form

This form must be on file if you wish to have any type of medication distributed to your child that is not previously listed on the Over the Counter Medication Permission Form.  Those medications will NOT be administered to your child without a completed form on file.

Media Consent Form

This document gives permission for the Band Directors, Band Boosters, or approved staff members to photograph/record your child during any band function. 

Band Financial Spreadsheet

This document provides detail regarding the financial responsibility of each member of our program. 

General Band Documents & Forms  

Click on the PDF icon      to download the document/form.

Band Contribution Discount Form

Parents/Guardians will need to complete and submit this form to receive the Free/Reduced Lunch (documentation is required) or Multiple Sibling Discounts.  Any parent interested in taking advantage of the Parent Volunteer Discount (explained in the Handbook) will NOT need to submit a form.  There is no deadline for this form.

How to Read a Band Financial Statement

Confused on how to read your band statement?  Refer to this form to gain a better understanding of the numbers in your band financial statement.

Band Camp Survival Guide

Friendly reminders on how to prepare for summer band camp rehearsals!  Check out the video version of this document by clicking the link:  Preparing for Summer Band Camp

Band Lettering Application 

Throughout the course of one academic year, students in band have the opportunity to earn "points" that go towards earning a Varsity Letter or a Bar (repeat Letter).  Students wishing to receive a letter or bar at the end of the year Awards Banquet will need to complete one of these forms by the stated deadline each year.  There is no additional cost for earning a Letter or Bar.  Late entries will not be accepted.

Available Each Spring

Pete Lord Memorial Band Scholarship

Any interested graduating senior of the band program is eligible to apply for one of two annual $500 scholarships from our Band Booster organization.  Specific criteria are listed on the application, and should be read thoroughly before submitting an application.  Applications submitted after the given deadline will not be considered.  This scholarship is awarded and selected through an anonymous process by the Band Boosters.

Available Each Spring

Sami Strong Color Guard Scholarship

Any interested graduating senior of the color guard program is eligible to apply for an annual $500 scholarships from our Band Booster organization.  Specific criteria are listed on the application, and should be read thoroughly before submitting an application.  Applications submitted after the given deadline will not be considered.  This scholarship is awarded and selected through an anonymous process by the Band Boosters.

Available Each Spring

Band Parent
Volunteer Forms

Click on the icon   

  to download the document/form.


Level 1 Parent Volunteer Form

Any parent wishing to volunteer in ANY capacity will need to have this form on file.  
​All forms are approved by the Santa Rosa County School Board, and this is only done once a month.  All parents are strongly encouraged to submit a copy of this form ASAP.  This form will need to be completed annually.  Completed forms may be emailed to the band directors, or dropped off to the Band Office.

Level 2 Parent Volunteer Form

Must be Level 1 Approved BEFORE beginning Level 2 process


If a parent wishes to chaperone an overnight trip of any type, the parent will need to be Level 2 approved.  To initiate this second level of certification, please contact the school or the directors for a Level 2 application and submit it to the band office.  The parent will be responsible for submitting fingerprints (at a cost) through the Santa Rosa County School Board.  Please plan on submitting this form at least two full months in advance of any overnight trip.  


Pace High School

4065 Norris Road

Pace, FL 32571

© 2023 by Pace Band Boosters, Inc.

School Code: pacehsband

This site is owned and maintained exclusively through the Pace High School Band Boosters.

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